In January 2020, SFMTA implemented Quick Build enhancements to increase safety and improve Muni.


Quick Build elements include:


  1. Making Market a car-free zone east of 10th Street
  2. 100 new cross-street passenger and commercial loading zones to accommodate safe loading
  3. Peak hour loading restrictions on Market Street to reduce conflicts between people on bicycles, transit and commercial vehicles
  4. Extending existing transit-only lane east from Third to Main Street, the segment of Market with the most transit service, and making it Muni-only (taxis and non-Muni buses will no longer be allowed)
  5. Adding bicycle intersection improvements at Eighth, Page, Battery, and Valencia streets



Market Street Circulation Map: Quick Build

Quick Build



Market Street Circulation Map: Proposed Project

Proposed Project

Better Market Street: Fact Sheet


Click here to download the
Better Market Street:

